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Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Men Hiding Eating Disorders Too

Today I've published an article on my website contributed by Anthony Organ who is interning at a journalism project called The Conversation. Nice name.

You will find it published here http://eating-disorders.org.uk/men-get-eating-disorders-too-guest-blog/

I wish a had a tenner for all the men I've met who have eating disorders.  Not in treatment mind you, journalists ask me if I am seeing more men in treatment and I say no I don't, but I meet them everywhere else, at dinner parties where they confess their struggles or in my day to day life outside the office.

They are remarkable for hiding their struggles; maybe because they do feel ashamed at their lack of control over their food and their weight. They hide their struggles inside exercise compulsions, marathon running, daily visits to the gym to work out, taking lifestyle drugs or steroids, purging - but not thinking how serious this is - you name it, I've seen how they hide their terrible struggles with control of food.

I think it will always be the same despite all the publicity; looking into the future I can't really see that it will change, men finding a million terrible ways to control their eating behaviour but never accepting that they are out of control.  It's really good that it has all come out into the open, like homosexuality.... but I still cant envisage a time when guys will willingly come forward for treatment if eating begins to rule his life.

So if you are a guy reading this blog, go and check out my website, if you don't want therapy we can offer you coaching to put your eating and body image difficulties behind you. So that you can be happier and more effective in your life.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Tips For Working with Anorexia

Everyone needs help with anorexia.

No one fully understands it. Even people who suffer don't really understand it. Anorexia doesn't happen because your mother didn't love you enough or because you were teased in your childhood.

Many people live with low level anorexia - perhaps we call them "orthorexics" or they just happen to run marathons every week.  They are quite thin but they say that they just look after themselves. Since they aren't skeletal we just pretend that they don't have "issues".

Even people who had quite serious anorexia once upon a time find that it doesn't really ever go away.

So I'm going to write some of my thoughts about anorexia on my website blog. They are just to help us all think out of the box. I am not going to pretend that I have all the answers about helping people to stop starving, stop running marathons or going on long bike rides when the rest of us are happy to sit by the fire and rest. In fact if they don't want to stop doing what they are doing, I wouldn't have a chance.

So here we are, the first post on my lovely website is here at http://eating-disorders.org.uk/tips-for-working-with-anorexia/

 If you want to help me with your comments and ideas please do. I need and welcome your input.
Love to you all.